104号房间 第三季
939一部设定在一间旅馆客房里的诗选剧,讲述形形色色房客在其中展现的一系列独特境遇和怪癖。 -
622博世开始了他职业生涯的下一个篇章,发现自己与他曾经的敌人哈尼·钱德勒(Honey Chandler)共事。 -
432Chekov's Uncle Vanya, transposed to turn-of-the-century North Wales, where the peace and tranquility of a country house is disturbed by the arrival of -
87《超级鲨大战机器鲨》是一部科幻灾难片。影片讲述了一只新的巨型鲨鱼出现在太平洋里,使海洋安全受到了巨大的威胁,为了阻止巨型鲨带来的破坏,美国政府为此也极为头疼。他们曾经想过各种方式,最终美国政府决定用科学家近期发明的巨大机械鲨鱼来应对这只超级大鲨鱼,整个过程中机器鲨也遭到了前所未有的袭击。在科研人员操 -
443The host of a failing children's science TV show attempts to fulfill his childhood dream of being an astronaut by building a rocket ship in his garage -
无声的证言 第二十三季
83A private jet crashes into woodland outside London. Among the passengers is a former U.S. Ambassador. Thomas investigates the apparent suicide of a su